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scrape by中文是什么意思

用"scrape by"造句"scrape by"怎么读"scrape by" in a sentence


  • [网络] 勉强度日;勉强维持;勉强过日子


  • No one would have had me get out of the scrape by implicating an old friend .
  • The first year in the new house was the hardest, but they just scraped by on a along from the bank
  • Now, they're reduced, scraping by, and not terribly scary . that's the best route to a fairy-tale ending
  • He cried . " only i don t side with you, my dear . you must get out of the scrape by yourself .
  • He ordinary code card saving ic printing can be easily scraped by a blade; after reading the code, its cover can be put back
  • Solidly scanning window : ccd-80sir could be rubbed against from hard-paper, scraping by rough cloth or towel, also could be scarp by toothpick and won t get any scar
  • Those who were striving to grasp the general course of events, and trying by self-sacrifice and heroism to take a hand in it, were the most useless members of society; they saw everything upside down, and all that they did with the best intentions turned out to be useless folly, like pierres regiment, and mamonovs, that spent their time pillaging the russian villages, like the lint scraped by the ladies, that never reached the wounded, and so on
用"scrape by"造句  


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